Wi-Drive for iPad and iPhone


The Wi-Drive is one of those accessories that is not perfect thanks to the ridiculous restrictions imposed by Jobs to Apple’s products. This accessory is an external SSD that allows you to share information with your iPad or iPhone. In this way you do not have to use the space in your iPad with movies and other files that you can easily access via WiFi from the Wi-Drive. Why is not perfect? Because thanks to Apple’s restrictions you cannot copy files from your iPad to this device.

This is part of the legacy left behind by Jobs. These cases make me believe that in the same amount that Jobs contributed in the technology progress, he is also responsible for making this progress slower.

Steve Jobs has died

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Steve Jobs has died. It’s all over the news. The person who invented the fonts but was better known for those ideas that never gained a position in the market and thanks to him became best sellers, has passed away. The hole he will leave in Apple was noticed yesterday in the Keynote. Will Apple survive his dead? I really do not know. Many thing will change now in Apple without his dictatorship. That’s for sure.

Anyway… Rest In Peace, Steve. You will be missed.

Looking for a job is a full time job


Those who knows me they know that I give any task the best of me and I do that with passion. So now I’m looking for a job with all the discipline and passion as I’m still employed. I wake up around 7:30 am. Before 8 am I’m already with my iPad checking all my emails.

I have opened accounts in all big Jobs companies online so I receive from them a bunch of emails every night. From there I open the apps for iPad or iPhone from Dice, Monsters.com and CB and start looking for new positions opened. Every time that I find a match I try to apply from the iPad. And here is the tricky part. If you have already created an account in any of these companies, you already have your resume uploaded, so in this case you can apply from the iPad. If any of these applications send you to the employer site then you can not apply from the iPad because there is not a way thanks to Apple developers and the great Steve Jobs to select a file from your iPad and upload it to a web page. So in this case I send the link to my email. Usually this process takes me almost the whole morning.

I take a lunch break around noon. After that I turn on my laptop, I start the process of applying to all those jobs that I could not apply from the iPad thanks to the magical Web Navigation Experience in this device. This process could take me up to 4 more hours believe it or not. Each application is different and I have to answer questioners, upload files, etc.

So there are 8 hours of work just like in a real job.

Using the iPad does not make the process longer. And here is why. Usually the mobile version of all these sites do not have annoying adds wasting your time. Some of these adds ask you to feel forms and if you are not aware that they are not part of the application process you end subscribing to receive calls with information about how to get certifications or degrees. That already happened to me.

All this while Republicans and Democrats discuss how to make the whole process of creating more jobs longer. It does not matter anymore if Obama goes and proposes a republican idea, right after the proposal the republicans go against it. All that is just sick! I never saw something like that with Clinton or Bush. And that makes me believe that Obama is an inept without cojones.

Unfortunately, there is not an independent candidate running so far because one thing is sure, in 2012, my vote is not going to be democrat neither republican.

I, I keep working in my new job of looking for a job while I can pay for my Internet. If I wait for Obama or the republicans I’m totally lost. And the unemployment help is not enough to pay even for the food. Not that I want any help. I even have not applied yet for it. All I need is a job. And looking for it is what I’m doing with all my heart.

TabletPC2’s Holiday Gift Guide

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For eight consecutive years TabletPC2 is publishing it’s Holiday Gift Guide. Beautiful pictures and the best professional advises about the mobile market from Tablets, Smartphone, accessories and Digital Cameras to TabletPCs and Laptops.

Windows CE 7: The solution!?

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A friend of mine recently found a video about the possibilities of Windows CE 7 that I think could be hint from MS telling what would be their next move regarding Tablets. Windows Mobile was like a skin running on top of Windows CE. That said, Microsoft can design, or anyone willing can, a wonderful skin to be used in Tablets. That skin or user interface, with Ink recognizer, ActiveSync and Office Mobile Support could become easily a very good opponent agains iOS and Android.

Walgreens is selling a Tablet

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Surprised? Ok, here is the link, check it. The Maylong M150 is an entry level Android (1.6) Tablet, if we can call in this way this 400MHz processor device. Now, if you are one of those that do not understand the popularity of the iPad, I invite you to read the reviews in that product page. People love the simplicity in any device. And even Android 1.6 is able to please most of the users out there. It’s like a video that I found the other day about a 90 years old man that got an iPad from his daughter. The old man was still using an old PC with MSDOS and WordPerfect. The iPad was his first contact with Google and Internet. The rest you can imagine it. He was super happy because the iPad was a very friendly and easy to use machine. Easier than MSDOS where he needed a bunch of stickers with notes reminding him how to do stuff and the hot keys of the few programs he was using. After that, to comprehend the reason of those reviews in a machine which battery only last 2 hours and that apparently is not too good playing videos is not that difficult. People sometimes do not need sophisticated devices to accomplish they few things they do and need in Internet.

Inside of a MacBook Air

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Recently the webpage IFixIt bought a MacBook Air with the only purpose to show what Apple worked very hard to hide: the inside of this machine. Many of you sure have hear about the 5 battery life on this machine but what I have not noticed is somebody saying that we are talking about a battery that cannot be replaced by the user. 5 hours is not that much for many which netbooks are the only one and main PC. So keep that in mind. It seems that Apple’s engineers try hard to get the maximum battery life following the same design applied in the iPad. The battery of the Air virtually occupies more than 70% of the bottom area of this machine. Beside the iPad battery I never has seen something that big in proportion with the machine.

Reinventing the neebooks

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Top 10 Tablets with Android

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JKK at JKK Mobile has posted what he thinks is the list of the best 10 Android Tablets coming this fall to the market. These are in my own opinion the best of the best Tablets that have been shown so far.

Toshiba Folio 100

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If are one of those waiting for the Samsung Galaxy Tab thinking that you are getting an iPad killer think again. Wait until September and get a Toshiba Folio 100, a machine that according to Toshiba will give you up to 7 hours of battery live in a 10 inches display with more side and resolution than what we see in the Galaxy Tab. The machine will come with the trio WiFi-BT-3G and a video chip nVidia. Android Froyo with Flash support and multitasking, web cam, sd reader, and both mini and full size USB ports all these are enough to make the iPad seems like a toy.

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